I recently launched a new online campaign called #EcoPledge.
The idea is that alongside all your New Years Resolutions, you pledge something that you will do to be more green in 2010.
I’ve been following the Copenhagen Conference over the past few weeks, more in detail than I did towards the lead up. We didn’t get the deal that we wanted whilst there, however, I believe that there were some successes. Despite this, there is still a long way to go.
May I commend Ed Miliband MP and his team for negotiating throughout many sleepless nights. Your work is appreciated by many, including smaller developing countries. The High Commissioner of the Maldives even thanked Britain for it’s support throughout at the Copenhagen De-brief on Monday.
So, I ask you all, if you are on Twitter….
Simply use the hash-tag #EcoPledge in your tweet and pledge what you will be doing to be more green in 2010.
You can view what others are pledging here:
I’ve taken a few of the examples so far:
“In 2010, all my food waste will go to compost in the communal garden #EcoPledge”
“My #EcoPledge is to try and use public transport more instead of taxi’s, also to stop leaving my tv / charger etc plugged in all the time!”
“I #EcoPledge to stop sleeping my computer every night, and shut it down instead”
Spread this blog post around, and happy pledging!
If you are not on Twitter, still pledge and make change too.
If you’re an MP or PPC in the UK; please spread the word to all at your events and meetings.
Any questions I can be contacted on @CharlieRoper on Twitter.